Ufuoma has been exchanging hot words with fans over her support for Jonathan.
The actress shared a photo of herself greeting Jonathan with the following words of endorsement:
Ehen! I can see that MY choice is giving a few thumb itch. I’ve had decent people who support Gen Buhari leave decent messages about their choice. #NaUnaUnderstand respectingTheRightsOfOthers As for a few (there are a few) ewus who still need flogging, please grow up and read your rules here: #DoNotInsultMe At least not on this my page. #DoNotInsultAnyCommentatorHere #DoNotInsultAnyOfThePoliticalCandidates If you won’t leave a respectful comment irrespective of your choice then just #WakaPass. I’ve left comments without being silly on other people’s page. YOU HAVE A RIGHT…BUT THEN SO DO I. I’ve had enough of the insinuations. If you support Tinubu, you want change. If you support GEJ. .. especially if you are known, then you don take “national cake”. That hog wash should be left on your own page o. This administration has done tonnes for my industry and even if I haven’t personally partaken in the human capacity building or grants, I’d be lying to say it doesn’t exist. I owe only myself this explanation sef. Once again, #MyPresident #IHaveDecided #GEJTill2019 #MakePeaceWithYourself #MakeYourOwnDecision #NigeriaGoSurvive #WeAreOne #LetUsBuildNigeriaTogether
A fan named Sarah Peace Queen who thought the actress has joined the list of celebrities on President Jonathan’s payroll quickly came after her.
@SarahPeacequen said:
U know d truth @ufuomamcdermott that Jonathan is notworthy to be 2nd term president but becos u taken your share of d national bloody cake u are pretending what of chibok girls d killings in d north u are a mother your so called president couldn’t do any thing about it no light no water no security for us and our kids am a Nigerian though I don’t live here I live abroad because of all this bullshit u and all supporters are all hypocrites I don’t support johnathan or burari am looking on to.God for Nigeria becos we need help.

Sarah’s response to Ufuoma’s endorsement angered her.
Check out her qick reply
@sarahpeaceequeen from the ill manner of your speech, you’ve proven you don’t live here, lack respect for yourself, the opinion of others and lack the wherewithal to grasp good manners for as long as you live. You, the all mighty deputy jehovah god who knows THE TRUTH especially one who single handedly shared out bloody cakes, hide under the cover of living abroad and run fart out of your mouth, making insinuations when you have no PVC to help in decision making, confuse others to vote for God instead of one of the candidates and are comfortable if I support Buhari but not Jonathan. Great mother, #YouNeedJesus #MakePeaceWithYourself #IHaveDecided #YouShouldDoSameWithYourPVC #GEJTill2019
The Nollywood actress later addressed all her fans in a more aggressive manner:
Guys, I promise you I have your time. ON THIS PAGE, the minute you prove to be a goat , I will flog you with hot koboko. I don’t follow the crowd o. I don’t do bandwagons. But that which is my choice, I’m convinced and confident about. I won’t be bullied nor bamboozled by insults that I have been paid! If what you see itches your eyes, roll over! But if you must comment on this page, you will respect the opinions of others. You don’t have to like it, but you’ll respect it!
Her angry response should not come as a surprise to many fans and colleagues.
Ufuoma’s hot temper is the same reason she dumped her Nigerian boyfriend for a wealthy white man.
Her claim that she didn’t get paid by President Jonathan is far from the truth… As a matter of facts all Nollywood celebrities working for politicians both PDP and APC were paid.
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