
Thursday 12 February 2015

5 Filling Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Any one trying to lose weight has to understand a number of things. The most important is learning to deal with hunger.
If you were to describe the perfect food or meal, what will it be?
According to Cynthia Sass, a health contributing nutrition editor, “One of the biggest challenges when you’re trying to lose weight is combating hunger and the desire to eat” 
The simple solution is eating filling foods, that contain fiber, protein, and plant-based fat which are regarded  to be the most filling.
These nutrients slow down digestion and the absorption of nutrients, a process that helps you feel physically full for longer, which also means no blood sugar or insulin spikes.

Here are 5 simple foods that are filling and will surely help you shed that weight:

People are of the belief that because potatoes have a high glycemic index they will induce cravings and weight gain, but research shows this isn’t the case. In fact, potatoes are ranked number one on the famous satiety index, which was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1995. Even though one potato is heavy, it is a vegetable. One medium potato contains 168 calories with 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. Some experts argue that they are particularly satisfying because they contain complex starch molecules that we can’t digest.

Two large hard-boiled eggs only set you back 140 calories and provide 12 grams of complete protein, which means it contains all 9 essential amino acids that your body needs but can’t make itself. Eating eggs at breakfast will help you loose weight and feel less hungry for a full 24 hours, while also stabilizing blood sugar levels and help you eat fewer calories over the course of the day.


Hot oatmeal
When your mom told you to eat your oats, she was right. A recent study published in Nutrition Journal found that oatmeal cooked with nonfat milk makes one less hungry and increases fullness compared to cereal (cornflakes) possibly because been full is enhanced by the higher viscosity of the beta-glucan in the cooked oatmeal. It also keeps the good mood brain chemicals flowing.

Fish is a very efficient source of protein. Many types of white fish are extremely lean, and fattier varieties such as salmon contain healthy omega-3 fats. Some studies suggest that fish protein may be slightly more filling than beef protein. One possible explanation is that fish are naturally high in the amino acid L-glutamate, which is more filling.


Did you know that popcorn is whole grain? Yes it is. Four cups contain 3 grams of fiber and protein each. But the big question is the quantity. Four cups takes up a lot of room in your stomach and as long as you eat it with only a little salt and tiny bit of oil, that size serving will set you back less than 150 calories. One study found that snacking on popcorn helps people that are trying to lose weight satisfy their hunger while staying on track with their weight-loss plan.
Try to fill your weight-loss plan with any of these super satisfying foods and watch the pounds melt away.

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